Loading fruit at Alexandra Railway Station, c.1910, Photographer unknown, from file copy print 81.3040, S22-067a, Hocken Collections Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago.

Before the Otago Central Railway arrived in Alexandra in 1906, fruit in the area was sold locally or taken by wagon to the railhead in Lawrence. They would leave home at daybreak to arrive at 6pm in Millers Flat, where they would stay the night, leaving again at daybreak to arrive at Lawrence before the departure of the train in the afternoon, with an all-round trip taking four days.

Delivering the Fruit
"Bullocky Bob", Bob McNamara "Bullocky Bob on the old bridge road" Asset ID: 5137, Alexandra District Historical Society, HOCKEN 80/5194
The creation of a rail line in 1906 through the area meant that Central Otago fruit could now be transported further and faster than previous modes of transport.
Goods #352 in the Poolburn Gorge ‘The Rio Grande Rockies?”,1968, S33 499, GW Emerson Collection